Wednesday, 1 June 2011

30-Day Challenge: Day 1

Hey, Hana, when did you get back online? Good to hear from you! I've been catching up on your posts this evening :)

Oops, I accidentally answered today's challenge question this morning so I'll head straight onto...'s intake. I'm just googling these caloric values then rounding up - don't take them as gospel truth!
  • Breakfast - 1 apple (80), Options hot chocolate (40)
  • Morning snack - Weight Watchers fromage frais (50) - these are amazing; so creamy... 
  • Lunch - 150g sugar snap peas (50), 100g blueberries (60)
  • Afternoon snack - 100g cherry tomatoes (70)
  • Dinner - 1 cup homemade vegetarian chili (300?), 1 Tbsp yogurt (10), 1 scoop Walls light ice cream (60) (The box says 60 calories per 2 scoops but that just doesn't ring true...) And hey now, don't judge; Wednesday is ice-cream day in our house - it's sacred :)
Total: 720

Exercise: 20 minutes running, 40 situps

I feel like this is a fine start to the challenge. I know, I know, my idea of 'exercise' is kind of lame, but I've been a total whuss lately and need to get back into it. Give me these 30 days and I'll be killing it ;)

With regard to food, I know I'm really low on protein. A and I are buying very little meat these days as it's so expensive, but I'm a habitual carnivore so having a bit of a mental block about vegetarian protein sources. We do eat quite a lot of legumes - particularly kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils - and eggs... but that's about where my imagination runs out! I'd be very grateful for any other suggestions from some of you creative cooks :)

Not able to comment tonight as I'm doing some research for A. One week til his final presentation, then he's done with his course! It's been seven years coming - crazy times... Cue lots of pressure on him, so I'm helping as much as I can. I'll take more time to comment tomorrow, but as promised, here are today's pictures in the meantime:

Anyone else find bony backs really pretty? Like that scene in 'The Time Traveller's Wife' where Rachel McAdams gets up from the bed, and just pauses at the edge of the bed for a minute, and you can see all the bones in her back... Ok maybe it's a little stalky to remember that so clearly...

1 comment:

Jéanne said...

Hey! Good work today! What's life without a little ice cream? Bloody boring if you ask me!

I don't do 'other protein', my colon can't take it. I started losing when I started eating meat again after 10 years of vegetarianism. Weird!

All the best for tomorrow. <3. XXX.