Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Wednesday Walking

This morning I was down to 122.6, which is a 5lb loss in 2 weeks, 2 days. This is just above target for my 2lbs per week loss, so I'm feeling good about that. It's pretty difficult though. As I mentioned when I started this wager, one of the requirements is that it doesn't interfere with the healthy running of our home life. This means no disturbing A by getting up at 5a.m. to walk to work, no heavy restricting that stops us eating our meals together, no massive blood sugar dips that turn me into an evil, screeching witch, and no lying about what I've eaten or what exercise I've done.

Currently I'm trying to do, per week:
3 or 4 x 30 minute run
5 x 45-60 minute walk

I'm still sadly lacking in any kind of strength training / toning. I just can't deal with the boredom of endless reps...  zzz... Anyone have any tricks making weights / crunches less excruciatingly dull??

So, I thought I'd post some pictures today - I'm very fortunate to work in a really beautiful, rural location close to Oxford. My office is on a compound that was used in WWII as an evacuation site for kids from London, so it's an interesting mix of old wooden army barrack/dorm-style buildings, and more recent brick offices. Every lunchtime I go for a walk in the local area and am always struck by how beautiful the English countryside is - no matter if I've had a stressful morning, or am feeling grumpy, or my stats are depressing, somehow being out in the woods and the fields is so calming. Yesterday I took my camera along for the ride...

I love, love, LOVE this junky old army truck; it's been here for years and almost seems like part of the woods now. From the road you wouldn't even see it unless you knew it was there. This is also where A proposed about a year and a half ago (how time flies!) so the place has special significance because of that, too. That was in May, so the ground was completely carpeted with bluebells, and the sun was just coming up... it was all very romantic *blush*

Ok, Saturday I'm going to the beach. A 2.6lb loss in 3 days is upping the ante a little from the original 2lbs per week goal, I know, but I'd really love to be 120 or below by then. Wish me luck! I'm wishing a wonderful and successful second half of this week for you all, too <3


Jéanne said...

Congratulations on your fantastic loss, Soph! Well done.

Great photos! All the best for the beach! <3. XXX.

kes said...

Congrats on the loss! There are wrist weight things and you could try running with those on to try toning your arms. Maybe something like zumba or some other dance sort of toning would be fun for you? Not to sure of a way to make toning fun...

Anonymous said...

You are doing great with your weight loss! What a beautiful scene. I too have not included toning into my work outs though I know I should.

ThinMint said...

Blasting angry rap music or something with a crazy techno beat always helps and I make it into a competition with myself by doing 1 more lunge or 2 more pushups than I did the day before.

Run said...

Them photographs are great! It makes me want to grab my camera and head out though Leeds isn't anything like Oxford for photography.

Congrats on the loss. I too lack toning exercise. I should work on it...

Miss Burton said...

congrats on your weight loss! sounds like you're one of the bloggers to actually achieve something :) nice

and thanks for the photos!!! They remind me of my time in England, which i MISS!!!

btw - that looks like the perfect place to propose! tell him well done from me :D

miss burton